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"Ik ken Skadi als een hele hele fijne en betrouwbare yoga docent met veel ervaring en deskundigheid. Toen ik hoorde dat zij healings gaf heb ik me meteen ingeschreven voor een behandeling. Ik heb dit ervaren als een hele indrukwekkende energetische ervaring . Ik kon letterlijk voelen dat na de behandeling  mijn energie beter stroomde en dat dit diep op mijn blokkades heeft gewerkt.
Sinds kort doe ik ook de Inter X behandelingen bij Skadi. Het heeft nu al een heleboel goed gedaan voor spanningsklachten en fysieke kwaaltjes waar ik al heel lang mee loop lijken echt een heel stuk minder te zijn geworden.  Ik ben heel benieuwd wat er nog meer gaat gebeuren tijdens deze behandeling. Ik ben heel blij met Skadi. Niet alléén vanwege haar deskundigheid maar ook omdat ze een hele fijne rustige sfeer neerzet tijdens haar behandeling. Dankjewel Skadi."


Saskia, Amsterdam


"Skadi haar lessen zijn een prachtige balans tussen dynamiek en rust, kracht en souplesse, fysieke ontwikkeling en geestelijke diepgang.

Dit alles helder verteld en voorgedaan."


Mireille, Yoga Student, Amsterdam


"Skadi's classes that I've attended in

Holland have a lasting effect. I've done classes with many instructors but Skadi's thoughtfulness and empathy are unmatched. I love her timing and variety of the asanas she uses. Skadi is very mindful and compassionate. I just love her."


JB, Yoga Student, Newton - Massachusetts


“After a complex foot operation, my foot remained swollen and inflexible even after 4 months.
Already after 5 treatments with Interx, the swelling reduced significantly and the healing process was accelerated such that the flexibility got back to the original state as before the operation. I would recommend everybody with an injury to make use of the simple and effective Interx method to stimulate the natural recovery & healing process.”

Hella, Amsterdam


"Skadi is one of the three most professional and

popular instructors that I've worked with. In my 15 year career in various health clubs Skadi stands out for me as an example to all her colleagues by her passion for yoga and teaching."


Bob de Boef, former David Lloyd Area Manager, Amsterdam


"During my first 3 months stay in Amsterdam, I met my name sister Skadi when I took her Yin Yoga classes. As yoga was still new to me, her warm and smiling personality and the passion that she has for teaching yoga, just let me fall into my own yoga practice without any regrets that I started it in the first place.

It is very rare to find a yoga teacher that teaches a group of students but is also able to reach out to you as an individual student. Skadi allows me to dive into myself and forget about what is going on around me. Although I am not in Amsterdam anymore, I remember her teaching and her calm but steady voice and that all helps me to remember my own little individual yoga practice that I found with her help. I am more than thankful in a lot of ways. Open yourself to her wonderful teaching and you will find yourself."


Skadi, Yoga Student, Berlin


With apparent effortlessness Skadi merges together the spirituality of yoga, anatomical accuracy and the power of flow. Together this makes for enormously inspiring classes.

With few words, Skadi reminds us what yoga is about and what we aim towards during the practice. The flow of the classes is smooth and rhythmic and carries the practice as if on a wave. In particular, Skadi impresses with refined remarks on anatomy and physiology. It happens quite often that a delicate comment on a certain muscle or movement, makes me understand both a pose ánd my own body in a much more refined way than I thought possible. It often gives an 'aha'-feeling in the body. This bodily understanding is, in my experience, the true source from which to develop my practice. 

Skadi's expert professionalism and joyful presence allow me to give her my full confidence. In the context of her classes, working towards control and refinement of the body, quiet attentiveness of the mind, and awareness of the flow of prana, almost comes naturally.


 Viola Groenhart, Yoga Student, Amsterdam


"I have been coming to Skadi’s classes for the past year and really enjoy them. It is her great aura and temperament that adds something unique to the classes. She is a wonderful teacher and gives individual attention to her students. Also Skadi serves as a great example and it is amazing to watch her do particular asanas.

I just took part in a  Yoga Teacher Training myself and Skadi’s classes are exceptional both in the teaching and caring side. It is something I look forward to every time I attend."


Kathrin Bindig, Yoga Student, Amsterdam


"With Skadi I practice yin yoga and I love it! She starts the class by leading our attention inwards. During yin yoga I notice how connected my body is with how I feel. I had pain in my lower back and the exercises helped me to release tension, emotion and pain.Skadi teaches in a very honest and open way. She shares her knowledge and it comes from a warm heart. She knows about our organs and how we can influence or heal them by particular postures. Or she tells a little story to help us through challenging poses. When we finish and I leave the classroom, I feel still, peaceful and close to myself.Thank you!"

Karin van Harlingen, Yoga Student, Amsterdam


"I was already practicing yoga on of and of for a couple of years when I went to my first yoga class with Skadi. I was hooked right away and have been practicing with more discipline and dedication ever since. Skadi's fun, light and loving approach to yoga vibrates in every class she teaches. Her love for yoga is inspiring and contagious and whether Skadi teaches a hardcore Ashtanga class or an intense Yin yoga session, she always does so with love, patience, humor and conviction. Thank you Skadi, for teaching and showing me what yoga is all about."


Jorinde Verzijl, Yoga Student, Amsterdam.


"I love coming to Skadi's yoga classes! She is a very kind and warm person and this reflects in her way of teaching. She gently guides you through the challenging poses and gives a lot of space for everyone's individual needs.Her classes are fun with great choice of music and beautiful stories, I am always looking forward to her wisdom and teachings.Skadi intuitively knows what her students need."


Talita Zuiderveld, Yoga Student,  Amsterdam


My love for yoga led me to becoming a yoga teacher myself. It all started thanks to getting to know Skadi as my yoga teacher. On the one hand Skadi's yoga classes gave me a greater consciousness of body and mind and on the other hand they inspired  me to live a healthier life and I found that I was developing more strength and freedom both physically and mentally. What I particularly liked about Skadi's yoga classes is the fact that - partly due to her also being a Mensendieck therapist - she knows so much about anatomy and physiology. She is for that matter a real expert! She is also able to integrate the yoga philosophy into her classes as well as into her daily life. I find Skadi is very versatile in what she has to offer as a yoga teacher wether she is teaching a dynamic (Yang) yoga class or a more healing, relaxing (Yin) yoga class. The fact that Skadi is true to her own development has lead to her having integrated her knowledge and her experience into a unique repertoire. This is why I can recommend Skadi with great confidence!” 


Michelle, Yoga Student and teacher, Amsterdam


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